MyProtein Cookie Chocolate Orange Review

MyProtein Cookie Chocolate Orange

Macros: 75g 320cal 10F 20C 37.5P 1fiber
Smell: it reminds me of a that smash-able chocolate orange

Taste unmodified: It very dry, dense and has a slight artificial chocolate taste with and orange kick to it.
Taste heated : It made the cookie much softer and improved the flavor. The orange smell is much stronger and i found it quit appealing.  I heated the cookie for 20-30 seconds and the taste is amplified when topped with peanut butter.
Overall: i am pleased with the cookie, i plan on finishing them off  and I plan on buying these again.

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Overall Ranking of My Protein Cookies from Most to Least Favorite:
1: Chocolate Orange
2: Double Chocolate Chunk
3: Chocolate Mint
4: White Almond



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